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  • 16 Jan 2023 8:09 AM | WIPTA Admin (Administrator)


    Eau Claire Transit, the city’s bus system, recently announced it is adopting a new account-based ticketing with “tap and ride” technology as well as up-to-date dispatch and vehicle location systems.

    Masabi is a British company that has been bringing Fare-Payments-as-a-Service (FPaaS) to public transit systems and has recently worked in part with Durham, North Carolina-based TransLoc to redesign the payment system for Eau Claire Transit. Masabi and TransLoc were selected by Eau Claire Transit for their innovative account-based fare payment system that will change how Eau Claire does transportation.

    A mobile app will be made available by January to allow riders to purchase tickets and passes, but alternative cash payments can still be made at select retail locations across the city. As of March 31, 2023, paper tickets or passes will no longer be able to be used. Masabi will install fare validators across the Eau Claire Transit fleet which makes boarding a bus as easy as swiping your smartphone or smartcard. 

    Meanwhile, TransLoc will be creating an easy navigational system that allows riders to find buses through an app for real-time trip planning and receive announcements for upcoming bus stops while riding.

    All this is in an effort to make Eau Claire Transit more accessible and user friendly, with the hope that the changes implemented will benefit the public transportation system and its riders.

  • 12 Jan 2023 9:55 AM | WIPTA Admin (Administrator)

    He is the first Green Bay Metro bus driver hired - and he drove his last shift today. Dale Detry is retiring, and he was awarded a plaque for his perfect driving record with a high safety score rating. He got into zero accidents during his entire career.

    He started in 1973, when Green Bay bought its transit system from Wisconsin Public Service.

    On his last day, Dale Detry observed: “I was always very dedicated and uh, got my rest in order. You got to be real disciplined to do something like that. Just doesn’t happen by accident.”

    He added that his favorite part of the job was helping people: “Everybody’s real grateful, especially if they’re new and they don’t know where something is and I point it right out to them right away. I give them the time points and when to come back and they’re really appreciative.”

    One of many of Dale’s experiences is driving the 1996 Super Bowl-winning Packers in the parade after the game.

    Patty Qiewiz, Transit Director of Green Day Metro, was on hand to say good-bye: “Dale has been some of individuals everyday contacts, personal contacts, you become friends and those types of things so people could always rely on him and they’re really going to miss him.”

  • 9 Jan 2023 8:02 AM | WIPTA Admin (Administrator)

    Governor Tony Evers has announced that $5 million in state and federal funds will go toward improving transportation for seniors and people with disabilities in 2023. 

    The funding will expand a program called the 5310 Enhanced Mobility Of Seniors And Individuals With Disabilities Program. The program helps non-profits and public transit provide more accessible transportation. For many residents in Brown County, the funding will help meet an essential need.

    "It increased our funding for almost half for next year," said Ker Vang, Senior Planner for the Brown County Planning Commission.  

    In the state's four large "urbanized" areas, Appleton, Green Bay, Madison, and Milwaukee, the county administers the program, while Wisconsin DOT administers the funding in more rural areas.

    In Brown County, one of the recipients of the 2023 funding is Green Bay Metro. In the past, the program has helped Green Bay Metro acquire new wheelchair securement devices and ADA accessible bus shelters. Now, Green Bay Metro will be receiving funding to purchase an audio component to go with a new display board that will be at the various bus stops. The audio component will read the bus schedule to riders.

    Another recipient is Curative Connections, a non-profit that serves seniors and adults with disabilities. The non-profit will receive funding for operational assistance with their transportation services. Another portion of the funding will go to Mobility Management of Brown County.

    “Mobility Management of Brown County also received half of this funding to do research, find new ways to help partners find new ways to manage their programs as well too," Vang said.

    For an area with a large senior population, accessible transportation is essential for many residents. That's why Vang says this funding is critical for the county to be able to accommodate them.

    "A lot of them need transportation for services such as medical, or even daily appointments to get their meds from the store, or to even go to social activities," Vang said.

    You can learn more about the program at

  • 5 Jan 2023 7:26 AM | WIPTA Admin (Administrator)

    City and state leaders on Thursday broke ground on Madison’s first bus rapid transit line set to connect the east and west sides, one of Mayor Satya Rhodes-Conway’s key initiatives since assuming office.

    The push for rapid transit has been decades in the making, Rhodes-Conway said during a groundbreaking ceremony Thursday afternoon, and one that she said will better position Madison to compete with other cities of its size while also helping meet the city’s climate goals.

    “Someone who relies on transit to get to work shouldn’t have to make an hour and 15 minute commute trip one way,” she added. “We all deserve mobility choices to get us to where we need to go in a reasonable amount of time.”

    Wisconsin Department of Transportation Secretary Craig Thompson praised the bus rapid transit system as a critical new link that will connect residents to jobs and cultural centers.

    The rapid transit system, which coincides with a larger route redesign within the Metro Transit umbrella, aims to reduce travel times and better connect major employers and key parts of the city, including the University of Wisconsin-Madison and Madison College campuses, downtown, Hilldale Shopping Center and East Towne and West Towne malls.

    It will also run down State Street, which has drawn concern from businesses in the pedestrian corridor.

    Once completed, 60-foot articulated buses will run every 15 minutes in dedicated lanes with greater distances between stops, according to the city. The north-south route is still in development.

    Construction is set to continue through 2024. The city hopes to have the east-west line running by the fall of that year.

  • 12 Dec 2022 9:25 AM | WIPTA Admin (Administrator)

    Transit tech companies are bringing digital fare payment and other technologies found in some of the largest public transit systems to smaller cities.

    Eau Claire Transit in Wisconsin, for example, is partnering with Masabi and TransLoc to offer not only an account-based digital fare payments as a service (FPaaS) to riders, but also technology that allows riders expanded trip planning and real-time bus tracking.

    Meanwhile, the Roaring Fork Transportation Authority (RFTA) — serving the Aspen, Colo., region and the largest rural public transportation provider in the U.S. — will use the Masabi digital fare payments system as well, offering discounts and other perks. The new platform will launch Nov. 21, said Jamie Tatsuno, communications manager for the RFTA.

    "With the RFTA Tickets app, we are hoping for faster boarding times and a contactless fare payment system," said Tatsuno, adding, "We are making our tickets and passes more accessible to our riders who may not be able to access a ticket vending machine or sales outlet to purchase the discounted fare media, being that we are in a rural area."

    RFTA and Eau Claire Transit will use Masabi's Justride platform, a cloud-based plug-and-play technology used by more than 150 transit agencies across nine countries.

    "Justride is the largest and most advanced platform in the world, which means all agencies can get the same ticketing systems as the largest cities for a fraction of the cost — and in a fraction of the time — and still receive continuous updates to ensure their solution is the best it can be," said James Gooch, head of marketing for Masabi.

    Justride is an app-based system that is entirely contactless. Masabi will install the appropriate fare-validator hardware across the bus fleets. Riders who want to continue using cash can make deposits into their accounts at select retail locations.

    In Eau Claire, TransLoc will provide tech upgrades to benefit both riders and operators. Riders will get real-time bus location data; while operators will have access to automated passenger counting onboard buses as well as computer-aided dispatch and other features.

    "Just a few years ago, this technology would have been out of reach to all but the largest agencies," said Brian Zanghi, CEO of Masabi, in a statement. "Today, we are delivering this cutting-edge solution to towns and cities all over the world in a fraction of the time and at a fraction of the cost. We are delighted to have been selected to provide this system with our partner TransLoc, and look forward to working with Eau Claire Transit in the years to come."

    In Colorado, the RFTA will not be partnering with TransLoc. The Masabi system will make discount opportunities available to riders. For example, single one-way and round-trip tickets get discounted 25 percent across all RFTA regional routes, 30-day zone passes for routes to and from Aspen and seasonal zone passes. Also, when riders first download the new app and create an account, they will receive a free one-day bus pass good for any of RFTA's regional routes. Funds can be added to rider accounts via the app when a bank card is attached, or depositing cash into the accounts at retail locations.

    RFTA's current ticketing process involves slipping cash into the fare box on buses, or using a "stored value card" purchased at transit vending machines, said Tatsuno, adding, "We do not have any sort of digital ticketing as of yet."

    The new digital ticketing will happen alongside the existing fare collection system, with RFTA continuing to accept current stored value cards, 30-day zone passes and cash aboard all buses.

  • 8 Dec 2022 10:17 AM | WIPTA Admin (Administrator)

    Milwaukee County Transit System (MCTS) and Amalgamated Transit Union (ATU) Local 998, the union that represents MCTS bus drivers and mechanics, have reached an agreement on a 3-year contract. The contract includes significant wage increases, increased work/life balance and minimal changes to healthcare.

    MCTS Interim Managing Director Denise Wandke said, “The company and the union have been working together since March to address wages, healthcare, security and work/life balance for operators and maintenance employees. Starting my employment with MCTS as an operator, I know the hard work and passion my fellow bus operators share. I think this contract shows our commitment to our employees and desire to collaborate with the union. I am proud of each and every employee and their amazing contributions to this community.”

    “On behalf of all Milwaukee County residents, I commend the Milwaukee County Transit System and the Amalgamated Transit Union Local 998 for reaching a fair and equitable agreement that results in uninterrupted transit service for all residents,” said Milwaukee County Executive David Crowley. “The transit system is an integral part of our community and I’m proud to stand in support of both MCTS and the ATU, as we continue serving passengers across all of Milwaukee County.”
    Highlights of the 3-year agreement include:

    • Wage increases – Wages will increase each year of the contract.
    • Competitive healthcare benefits – Percent contributions for 2023 and 2024 remain at 15% with slight increases to co-pays and deductibles.
    • Pension – A healthy pension that provides a great deal of financial stability for employees’ futures.
    • No Takeaways – The agreement does not take away anything from employees. MCTS did not request any concessions from the union.

    MCTS is hiring additional drivers, offering a $1,000 sign-on bonus. A paid training class starts each month. Candidates are welcome to apply at

  • 5 Dec 2022 8:09 AM | WIPTA Admin (Administrator)

    At the November 22 Common Council meeting, Alder Heck, Alder Foster, Alder Vidaver and Mayor Rhodes-Conway introduced legislation to promote transit-oriented development along high capacity transit corridors in Madison. Transit-oriented development (TOD) is a pedestrian-oriented, compact, mixed-use development style focused along high quality public transit. It typically includes a mix of housing, office, retail, neighborhood amenities and other uses within walking distance of a transit station.

    The legislation would create a TOD overlay zoning district, based in the policy direction of the City’s 2018 Comprehensive Plan, Imagine Madison, to focus much of our future population growth to areas best equipped to serve it – along public transit corridors. Madison has grown by nearly 70,000 people since 2000, and is expected to grow by another 70,000 people in the next two decades.

    “Part of providing affordable housing is making sure it’s connected to affordable, accessible transportation options,” said Mayor Rhodes-Conway. “By focusing development in areas with great transit service, we can offer future residents walkable and amenity-rich neighborhoods, and avoid making traffic worse.”

    The current proposal permits modest, context-sensitive increases to allowable residential development limits within about a quarter-mile of corridors with frequent transit service – that is, transit that comes at least every 15 minutes. It also removes minimum parking requirements, adjusts site layout regulations, and makes small adjustments to heights to accommodate a more compact development pattern.

    “While we are proposing some increases in density, this is not a one-size-fits-all solution,” said District 2 Alder Patrick Heck. “This legislation makes small, incremental adjustments to the base zoning that allow us to accommodate more growth without dramatically changing neighborhood character.”

    As an example, in some areas, the TOD overlay will allow a 6-story building instead of a 5-story building, or a 4-story building instead of a 3-story building. In single-family neighborhoods, the TOD overlay will allow a duplex instead of just one housing unit.

    “The TOD overlay will help the City deliver on its housing and sustainability goals,” said District 15 Alder Grant Foster. “We are creating the opportunity for more housing to be developed, and making it easier for residents to opt for the bus instead of their cars.”

    To keep up with population growth, the City estimates it needs to be building around 2,000 new housing units per year. However, the average number of new units created each year has fallen short of that target over the last decade, which puts pressure on house prices and rents.

    “We desperately need more housing, and this is one of many tools that can help deliver it,” said District 5 Alder Regina Vidaver. “An increased supply of housing and the ability to get around without a car are both important aspects of keeping Madison affordable in the long-run.”

    The proposed legislation will be reviewed by the Transportation Policy and Planning Board on December 5 and by the Plan Commission on December 12. It is scheduled to return to the Common Council for a final decision on January 3.

    To learn more about the proposed TOD overlay, visit

  • 28 Nov 2022 9:23 AM | WIPTA Admin (Administrator)


    The annual "Stuff the Bus" event returns for it's 25th year. The event helps feed thousands of families in need throughout the Milwaukee area. 

    The event fills two Milwaukee County Transit System bus with groceries. According to Feeding America, one in eight people in Milwaukee don't know where their next meal is coming from and one in four children don't know where their next meal is coming from. 

    You can help by stopping by Pick 'n Save on 6462 S. 27th Street in Oak Creek to purchase and donate a non-perishable food item, or Round Up your grocery purchase to the nearest dollar or donate $1, $5 or $10 at the in-store registers, including self-checkout! The event goes until 6 p.m. Wednesday.

    "Stuff the Bus is a staple of the holiday giving season," said Patti Habeck, President and CEO of Feeding America Eastern Wisconsin. "We are thrilled to partner with Pick ‘N Save, Audacy and Milwaukee County Transit System to help provide so many meals for local families."

  • 17 Nov 2022 9:11 AM | WIPTA Admin (Administrator)

    The Milwaukee County Transit System is introducing a new type of bus to its fleet, unveiling its first battery-powered electric bus this week.

    This method of power means zero emissions, a priority guiding the future of public transportation in many large cities across America.

    Officials say that this bus will be in service starting next year as part of Wisconsin's first rapid transit line under the MCTS Connect brand. Their stated goal is to make this a step towards making public transit more sustainable.

    Martin Larose, President of Nova Bus says that access to this type of vehicle changes the public transit environment in a major way, adding, "Electric buses are really a game-changer. Putting a bus in service obviously right off the bat is good for the environment, you remove cars from the city."

    He also praised the new bus for being cleaner and quieter.

    MCTS began the construction and infrastructure of this project last year, purchasing 11 battery-powered electric buses.

    Milwaukee County Executive David Crowley said in March 2021 that alternative fuel buses would represent the future of public transit in Milwaukee, saying, “We’re excited to transition towards greener, more sustainable and more efficient transit for our community. Innovative technologies like this help in our mission to advance racial equity and enhance the quality of life through great public service.”

  • 14 Nov 2022 9:18 AM | WIPTA Admin (Administrator)

    The Neenah Transit Center will move two blocks east starting Monday.

    Reader question: Why is the Valley Transit bus transfer station in Neenah moving? Was that requested by Valley Transit or the city?

    Answer: Valley Transit, the public transportation service in the Fox Cities, will relocate the Neenah Transit Center closer to Neenah City Hall starting Monday.

    The bus transfer station currently is located on the east side of the 100 block of South Church Street. It will move two blocks east to the south side of the 100 block of East Doty Avenue.

    The move will affect riders on Route 30 (Neenah-Menasha), Route 31 (East Neenah), Route 32 (West Neenah), Route 41 (West Fox Valley) and Route 10 (Neenah-Oshkosh) operated by GO Transit.

    The city of Neenah requested the move. Traffic engineer James Merten said the relocation will:

    • Address traffic safety concerns around the existing bus shelter and on Wisconsin Avenue.
    • Provide riders with access to public bathrooms at City Hall.
    • Cause fewer disturbances to transit operations during special events.
    • Add street parking in a high-demand area (South Church) in exchange for sacrificing street parking in a relatively low-demand area (East Doty).

    The major drawback of the move is the new shelter will not be heated.

    Neenah spent about $8,300 to prepare the new site and assemble the shelter. The total accounts for new pavement, traffic signs, lighting and a wireless security camera.

    Neither the city nor Valley Transit has committed to make the new location anything more than a short-term solution.

    Neenah plans to reconstruct East Doty between Commercial and Oak streets in 2024, so it wants to evaluate how the station functions in the new location before proceeding with the design of the new street.

    "It gives us a good chance to look at how it would operate here," Public Works Director Gerry Kaiser said.

    Ron McDonald, general manager of Valley Transit, said Valley Transit will work with Neenah and the East Central Wisconsin Regional Planning Commission to determine whether the new site is the optimal location.

    "It's going to be permanent until we decide that there's another alternative that's better," McDonald said.

    Post-Crescent reporter Duke Behnke answers your questions about local government. Send questions to or call him at 920-993-7176.

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