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A Powerful Voice for Transit in Wisconsin

Wisconsin Public Transit Association (WIPTA) provides a strong and cohesive voice by representing transit in Madison as well as Washington, DC. The membership has a pulse on legislation and other issues that affect all Wisconsin Transit systems and works proactively to improve transit systems throughout the state.

WIPTA represents 28 urban and rural bus systems, 43 shared ride taxi systems, 24 associate and affiliate members, more than 2,900 transit operations workers statewide and over $280 million annual expenditures in transit statewide.

Benefits of Joining WIPTA

  • Valuable networking opportunities with dedicated and experienced transit professionals.
  • A strong and united voice for transit related issues and funding in Madison and Washington, DC.
  • Free copy of the WIPTA newsletter
  • Free copy of WIPTA’s Annual Executive Report.
  • Participation in annual meetings, Spring Legislative Day, training sessions, and association committees.

WIPTA Membership Categories & Membership Dues


The following may be considered for voting membership in the association: managers and other supervisory personnel directly involved in the daily operation of urban transit systems either publicly or privately operated.

Annual Dues: $975 + number of buses in fleet @ $100/bus


The following may be considered for affiliate membership in the association without voting privileges: local governments that sponsor public transportation (taxi cab, paratransit, human services, etc.) services, persons involved in transit planning at any government level that deals with public transit, faculty or students at a university engaged in transit studies or research, or representatives of any transit oriented publication.

Annual Dues: $400


The following may be considered for associate membership in the association without voting privileges: persons or firms engaged in manufacturing or supplying materials for, or rendering services to, any transit agency.

Annual Dues: $500


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Wisconsin Public Transportation Association

1818 Milton Avenue

Suite1000 #1060

Janesville, WI 53545

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