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Connect 1 transit line helps to increase accessibility and connect Milwaukee County

19 Jun 2023 10:04 AM | WIPTA Admin (Administrator)

There's a new way to get around Milwaukee County. The Connect 1 transit line is now taking people from the Milwaukee Regional Medical Center in Wauwatosa to Downtown Milwaukee. The Bus Rapid Transit (BRT) line is the first of its kind in Milwaukee.

At a ribbon cutting for the new route, and the new electric buses to accompany it, officials said the new transit line will make one of the most important corridors in the region more accessible to everyone.

"All of our residents should be able to access employment, access educational or recreational opportunities in any ZIP code across Milwaukee County. And this east-west BRT is a step in the right direction," said Milwaukee County Executive David Crowley. "I can't think of a safer way, a better way to move across Milwaukee County and enjoy all the things Milwaukee County has to offer."

The transit line will connect people to several colleges and high schools, 120,000 jobs, seven medical facilities and things like Bucks games, the county zoo and Summerfest.

The new line is a big upgrade for frequent MCTS user Denise Koss, who said she relies on public transit. Koss also uses a wheelchair.

"For everything. Visiting friends, visiting family, going to the doctor, shopping," Koss said. "I will use this line to connect to other lines. I take the 15, I take the 35. So I'll just be using this all the time."

On top of its efficiency, Koss says the new buses on the route are safer for people who use wheelchairs.

"I tried it yesterday, I love the self-securement for my wheelchair. I don't have to have the bus driver get in my space. I can do it myself. I feel very, very secure and safe. And it's just a good way to get around the community," Koss said.

Bus fare on the Connect 1 route is free until Sept. 30.

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