Environmental Protection Agency Administrator Michael Regan completed his three day Wisconsin tour visiting West Salem and La Crosse Wednesday morning to talk about President Biden's 'Bipartisan Infrastructure Law'.
Joined by Wisconsin elected officials, the meeting in La Crosse focused on public transportation, as the infrastructure law granted 5.6 billion dollars to the federal transit administration to fund grants for no emission public transportation.
The City of La Crosse unveiled its first pair of electric busses that produce no emissions.
Congressman Ron Kind said with the recent actions Russia has taken toward Ukraine, the United States should move away from foreign oil and move to an emission free solution.
"As long as we have major countries producing these fossil fuel we will be held hostage by their bad actions. We are living and seeing that each day right now with price going up at the pump, it is all the more reason why we need to be stepping down on that accelerator and accelerating the conversion to a cleaner more sustainable energy future."
EPA Administrator Michael Regan said that these busses not only help the environment, but provide health benefits as well.
"This is a significant investment opportunity for the health and well-being of the members of the La Crosse community and it is just exciting to be a part of it." Regan continued, "And the Bipartisan Infrastructure Law will provide billions of dollars for towns and cities all across the country to invest in similar opportunities."
The MTU busses were manufactured in the United States.
In addition to reducing green house gas emissions and pollution, Regan is also excited that these will bring manufacturing jobs to the United States as well.
And said he hopes that zero emission transportation will become the American standard.