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Fox Valley Transit Riders are Asked to Provide Input

18 Jan 2021 11:09 AM | WIPTA Admin (Administrator)

MENASHA (WLUK) -- Two Northeast Wisconsin transit services are seeking input from riders who use Interstate 41 for travel.

Go Transit of Oshkosh and Valley Transit are teaming up with UW-Oshkosh and East Central Wisconsin Regional Planning Commission to offer a survey for those who use the interstate to commute between Oshkosh and the Fox Cities.

The purpose of the survey is to better understand the needs of riders in the Fox Valley. Both transit systems are considering new services and expand amenities for a convenient ride, according to a news release.

“Many residents travel the I-41 corridor daily. These travelers need and want to travel between communities; therefore, it’s increasingly important we find transportation alternatives to personal automobiles,” said Jim Collins, Transportation Director for the City of Oshkosh, in the release. “There are also many residents who do not have access to or the means to procure a personal automobile. We are seeking public input in devising feasible transportation solutions that will be well received and used to help make these connections.”

The survey, which is available until next Friday, Jan. 22, can be completed online.

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