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Wisconsin cities with mask mandates

24 Jul 2020 1:34 PM | Deleted user

With cases of the coronavirus climbing in Wisconsin and the U.S., more than half of states have statewide mask mandates, including Illinois, Michigan and Minnesota — but not the Badger State.

Even as more local governments enact their own mask ordinances, creating a patchwork of mask requirements across the state, Wisconsin Governor Tony Evers has not issued a statewide mandate. The first-term Democrat said earlier this month he was unlikely to enact such a mandate because the conservative-controlled Wisconsin Supreme Court struck down his “safer at home” order in May. That did not include a mask requirement, but the court said Evers overstepped his authority by requiring most non-essential businesses to close during the start of the outbreak.

Some city and county governments are requiring masks in buildings and the UW System is requiring masks on campuses in the fall. 

Here’s a breakdown of mask mandates in cities/counties near southeast Wisconsin


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