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Local Officials, White House Senior Advisor Tout Impact of New Valley Transit Center

16 Aug 2024 12:02 PM | WIPTA Admin (Administrator)

APPLETON (WLUK) --Major upgrades are coming to the Valley Transit Center following a boost in funding, and officials believe the improvements will make a big difference for the community.

In late June,Appleton's Valley Transit Center announced a remodeling project that will rebuild the station and construct affordable housing units above the facility.

The project was made possible by a $25 million federal grant from the Rebuilding American Infrastructure with Sustainability and Equity (RAISE)program and $1.8 million in city ARPA funds.

On Tuesday, officials held a news conference to explain the impact the new Valley Transit Center will have for tens of thousands of people across the region.

"The new transit center will do many things for the public transportation system in the Fox Cities, and in innovative ways that reduce our impact on the environment," said Appleton Mayor Jake Woodford. "But to me, the most important thing this project will do is for the people it is designed to serve. This new transit center is about the dignity and worth of hardworking people who rely on public transportation and affordable housing to live meaningful lives and provide for their families every day."

The new facility will be more energy-efficient and include 14 covered bus bays, public restrooms, secure bike storage, vending machines, a ticketing office and other infrastructural upgrades.

Rendering of the new Valley Transit Center, June 24, 2024. (Photo courtesy: City of Appleton)

Ronald McDonald, general manager ofValley Transit, described more upgrades featured in the remodel.

We'll have new and updated waiting areas with other amenities. We'll increase the security presence, we'll have an office inside for our transit security, as well as an office functioning as a substation for the Appleton Police Department for their officers in the area.
We expect to have some AV charging stations near us. We'll have parking for taxis, Uber, Lyft and other mobility utilities. We'll have new and updated tactile floor sensors for people to be able to navigate the area. We'll have real time, on-demand announcements for our passengers.

Also speaking Tuesday was State RepresentativeLee Snodgrass, D-57th District, and White HouseDirector of the Office of Intergovernmental Affairs Tom Perez. Both praised the project and what it will do for Fox Valley residents.

"This project, this is a real point of pride. This is a big deal. What you're doing and how you're doing it -- and your savviness in accessing the federal funding streams -- that's what it's all about. It's about rebuilding and reconnecting communities, expanding opportunity. And that is why I am so excited," Perez said.

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