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Greendale Bus Routes To See Changes At End Of August

20 Aug 2021 9:26 AM | WIPTA Admin (Administrator)

Here's how Greendale bus routes will be affected by upcoming Milwaukee County Transit System changes. The changes will take effect Aug. 29. (Shutterstock)

GREENDALE, WI — There will be some changes to how Milwaukee County Transit System (MCTS) services the Greendale area with its buses at the end of August. Route 64 will be retired and service from route 60 will take over, among other notable changes.

The bus route shake-ups come as part of the MCTS NEXT project. Phase two happened in June. Phase three will become effective Aug. 29, according to the project's website.

Phase three will mainly effect these bus routes in the Greendale area. Click each route for a video from MCTS further detailing the route changes:

Route 55

  • "Service to Southridge via S. 76th Street will be removed due to low ridership. Passengers can continue to make this connection by transferring from Route 55 to the new high frequency Route 76 at S. 74th Street & Layton.," the project website said.
  • Some bus stops along this route are being removed. View the full list here.

Route 60

  • Route 60 will replace route 64.
  • Route 60 "will provide new high frequency service from Brown Deer to National Avenue and a similar level of service from National Avenue to Southridge. Current Route 60 service on Burleigh Street will be renamed Route 66," the project's website said.
  • "The new Route 60 will replace current Route 76 service on the North end (N. 60th – S. 70th) and will replace Route 64 service on the South end (S. 60th Street)."
  • View all of the new route 60 bus stops here.

Route 76

  • Route 67 will be retired with this new route.
  • "New Route 76 will replace current Route 67 service on N. 76th Street," the project website said. "Service on S. 76th south of Edgerton will now be served by the new Route 60."
  • "The new Route 76 (76th Street) is named for the street that it operates on (i.e. N. and S. 76th Street). It will provide new high frequency service from Brown Deer Road to Southridge. The route will also travel via a segment of 68th – 70th Street," the project website said.
  • View a list of this routes stops here.

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