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It's Roadeo Time! July 9-10th

11 Jun 2021 6:34 AM | WIPTA Admin (Administrator)


Deadline for registration: June 18th 

Don't miss this great opportunity to reconnect with friends and colleagues while supporting our bus operators. 

This year's event will feature training for wheelchair securement, large and small bus competitions and an Awards Banquet. 

After a tough year, we're looking forward to reconnecting and providing important safety training.

Come support our bus operators who have worked so hard this year!  

Check out our web site for all the information you need.

If you have already registered, but have not filled out the needed forms, you can access them on the web site.  

Forms for judges and drivers, as well as the schedule for the event and information on the hotel room block, are all available on the MPTA web site


The Annual Bus Roadeo brings folks together to support bus operators and improve safety.


Thanks to the Office of Transit and Active Transportation at MnDOT for sponsoring the event along with our industry partners!

Wisconsin Public Transportation Association

1818 Milton Avenue

Suite1000 #1060

Janesville, WI 53545

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